Súp Nước Dừa

Coconut milk, mushrooms, chicken, bamboo, spring onions, coriander

€4.20 EUR

Chả Giò Chay

Bean sprouts, green beans, vegetables, onions, sweet and sour sauce

€4.20 EUR

Sushi 5

1 miso soup with tofu, 8 pcs Tuna Tartare I.O, 8 pcs Tuna Maki, 1 pc Nigiri Tuna

€18.50 EUR

Súp Chay

Vegetable soup, mushrooms, pak choi, ginger, spring onions, coriander

€3.90 EUR

Sushi 6

1 miso soup with tofu, 8 pcs Tuna Tartare I.O, 8 pcs Tuna Maki, 1 pc Nigiri Tuna

€17.50 EUR

Wantan chiên (3 pcs)

Chicken, shrimp, onions, black pepper, spicy dip

€4.20 EUR

Mì xào chay

Fried thin noodles, seasonal vegetables, bean sprouts, fried onions, spring onions

€12.00 EUR

Cơm chiên vịt

Fried rice, egg, vegetables, pineapple, fried onions, bean sprouts

€15.00 EUR

Kappa Maki


€4.90 EUR

Showing 1 - 10 of 265 result

1 Farbstoff 2 Coffeinhaltig 3 Antioxidationsmittel 4 Säuerungsmittel
5 Konservierungsmittel 6 Süßstoff 7 Phenylalaninquelle 8 Chininhaltig
9 Glutamat 10 Stabilisatoren 11 Stickoxydul 12 Taurin 13Sulfite

a Eier b Erdnüssen c Fisch d Schwefeldioxid, Sulfite e Krebstier
f Lupinen g Milch, Lactose h Schalenfrüchte i Glutenhaltig
j Sellerie k Senf l Sesam m Soja n Weichtiere

*Sämtliche Preisangaben sind in Euro und inkl. Mehrwertsteuer.